“A multi-person consensus of perception that accrues persistence.”
This was Jean Iseli’s definition of reality. After over 40 years it would be appropriate to reflect on that reality. From our humble beginnings in the fall of 1975, we remain humble before our friends and customers for their steadfast confidence and support.

While there have been many changes in the geopolitical and technological world, we find comfort in the relatively slow cycle of our endeavors. Compared to technology, the growth of our plants is snail’s pace, and remains slow compared to most all of the other plant genera. Instead of allowing a lazy pace, we must be in a buzz of activity to insure we don’t overlook any advantage in growing our plants so they may be enjoyed by the horticultural world. While the pace sometimes leaves both our customers and ourselves frustrated with not being able to share more plants sooner, there is great satisfaction when we can make that new “diminutive gem” available to the gardener. We openly embrace change with enthusiasm if it furthers our goals. We resist it, however, if it only results in change. We have found great peace in those things that don’t change, that remain timeless touchstones to guide us.
What guides us is the vision that our customers have allowed us to have. Your support over the years has profoundly influenced us. It was not easy for those first garden centers to receive our plants, as there was not an immediate and captive market waiting. The dedication of our early sales staff seems Herculean, in reflection, to convince a wary retail trade to take on this sometimes new, sometimes reintroduced product. It was your eventual confidence, enthusiasm, and dedication that allowed us to grow. You allowed our sales people to become your friends, helped them with trade shows, allowed them to stay in your homes, and, the largest expression of confidence, suggested other garden center professionals to introduce to our company and presentation of plants.
Your commitment to us continues to be deeply appreciated. This commitment has allowed us to provide for our employees, to explore and exploit other exciting cultivars, and, frankly, to allow life to be fun for all of us involved. Andre’ would use the word “simpatico” to describe the relationship we have with you. We consider ourselves to be one of the finest places to acquire plants and we believe you are the finest place for the gardeners and enthusiasts to acquire not only plants but also the knowledge of the plant world and how they can best be a creative part of it.

We remain steadfastly true to our task, committed both to our plants and the makers of our success, you our friends and customers. While we continue to seek both new plants and new customers, both will have the same values of those we have become accustomed to admire and respect. You will note in the catalog listings a designation of Jean Iseli Signature Series plants. These plants were Jean’s favorites, and some are plants initiated by him over 30 years ago.
Others will be added to the collection that we feel would have met both his strict criteria and whimsical horticultural outlook. For those of you who did not have the opportunity to meet Jean, we invite you to read his brief profile located here.
With kindest regards,
Iseli Nursery
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