Please review the information below to help refine your plant search
We have used a common set of words to describe aspects of the plants we offer. These descriptive words apply to plant foliage color, growth rate, plant form, plant type, etc.
Below is a list of descriptive words that you may wish to type when using the “Plant Search” feature found on every page.
For more accurate results, refine your search by placing a search phrase inside of quotes, such as in this search string: conifer dwarf “bluish green” or “zone 4”.
Plant Types
Garden Maple
Companion Tree
Companion Plant
Iseli Introduction
Plant size/growth rate
Broad Upright
Narrow Upright
Globe Shaped
Color Feature
Bluish Green
USDA Hardiness Zone
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8
Full sun
Sun to partial shade
Partial shade
Information on the Iseli Nursery plant types
The plants we grow have been categorized on this website into 4 different groups:
Garden Maples – This group includes cultivars grown by Iseli in the genus Acer (Maples)
Colorful Conifers® – This vast group includes cultivars grown by Iseli in the following genus:
Abies (Fir), Athrotaxis (Tasmanian Cedar), Cedrus (Cedar), Cephalotaxus (Plum Yew), Chamaecyparis (Hinoki Cypress), Cryptomeria (Japanese Cedar), Cupressocyparis (Leyland Cypress), Cupressus (Cypress), Juniperus (Juniper), Larix (Larch), Metasequoia (Dawn Redwood), Microbiota (Siberian Cypress), Picea (Spruce), Pinus (Pine), Podocarpus (Plum Pine), Pseudolarix (Golden Larch), Pseudotsuga (Douglas Fir), Sciadopitys (Japanese Umbrella Pine), Sequoiadendron (Giant Redwood), Taxodium (Bald Cypress), Taxus (Yew), Thuja (Arborvitae), and Tsuga (Hemlock)
Companion Trees – This group of genera includes ornamental trees that are complementary to our other offerings: Betula (Birch), Cercidiphyllum (Katsura), Cornus (Dogwood), Davidia (Dove Tree), Fagus (Beech), Ginkgo, Gordlinia, Stewartia, and Trochodendron (Wheel Tree)
Companion Plants – This group of genera includes shrubs and groundcovers that pair well with our conifer selection: Berberis (Barberry), Buxus (Boxwood), Cotoneaster, Enkianthus, Fothergilla, Ilex (Holly), Millettia (Dwarf Wisteria), Ophiopogon (Mondo Grass), Osmanthus (False Holly), Paeonia (Peony), Salix (Willow), Spiraea, Ulmus (Elm), and Wisteria
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